
Temple Closure

Dear Friends and Temple Devotees,

On December 28th, the temple suffered a significant leak through our ceiling from the apartment above us. Sadly, our insurance claim has been denied and we are working on other avenues of reimbursement. Thankfully none of the deities or artwork were damaged, but the entire expanse of our floors had to be torn out, and one third of the ceiling had to be taken down as well.

We will keep you updated on this page as our work progresses forward. The reconstruction should only take about three weeks to complete, and so far it has simply been a matter of waiting on the insurance. If we continue to have problems with insurance, we will start the rebuilding work in the beginning of March, regardless. Our aim is to be open by April.

While we are closed, the temple continues to have expenses. You can go to our donation page HERE to help fund the temple while we are closed, or even donate towards the rest of the calendar year.

Your help is greatly appreciated!

Eddie and Shruti
BSGT Co-directors
(our roles are seva, neither the directors nor board profit from the temple in any way)

Weekly Pujas

Friday Ganapati Abhisheka 6pm-7pm Online only

Weekly Darshan Hours

The temple will remain closed until further notice and the repairs are completed
But we indeed will be re-opening soon, and better than ever!